litter "B" Stefi & Nash - PREGNANCY CONFIRMED
On Friday, January 24, 2024 - the 21st day after coverage, Stefinka and I eagerly drove to the control ultrasound.
There was a bit of a shadow of doubt here, because ...
(...when we left for mating, I had my progesterone measured the day before New Year's Eve and it was day 10 of the cycle and the value was very low - 1.83 ng/Ml. The decision when to leave was very difficult. I didn't want to delay the trip, and so we set off for Sweden in the early hours of the new year. On the way through Germany and then in Denmark, most of the VET were closed in case of first failure. Coverage took place on days 15 and 16 of the cycle. I believed that our bond with Stefi was very strong and I would know when the time was right. Now I know that everything happened as it should and at the right time...)
...and yes again I subconsciously knew that Stefinka was PREGNANT.
The vet performed the ultrasound of Stefince while standing on the ground again, and to my great joy she confirmed the pregnancy. At that moment, I felt a huge bond with this brave, wonderful and strong-natured bitch. The bond between us is getting stronger and stronger. Stefi was standing calmly, looking at me and probably wondering why my lady is bulging again, but everything is fine.
The number to size of the embryos was not yet possible. Another UTG in a week.
I've been noticing changes in Stefi for a few days now (a slightly swollen milk bar, slightly pinker teats, this time her tummy is more loose), and she doesn't show any other symptoms. She tries to be very careful when playing with her daughter Bianca. She doesn't run as much and doesn't want to participate in the games that Bia encourages her to. She has been incredibly voracious since her arrival. It requires feeding almost constantly. So far, he is getting the same amount, but I am adding again - folic acid.